Saturday, November 25, 2006

34 already...

I had my mind set in that the Nov 25th at 01:30 I was going to go through the line of 34, but I forgot I was in the U.S., which means I did it the 24th at 16:30, nine hours before.

Not that I've done much to celebrate it anyway: Since the 23rd was Thanksgiving day, Darleen and My father in law have left to Arizona to spend a few days with the family; I haven't because I had to work, but even so, I'm glad they left me alone for a few days even if they left a mess behind. But well, no special celebration as it is getting normal in here. The best is that since the 23rd was festive I am gonna get paid time and a half for that day.

I keep chatting with Ana, very good vibes; She passed me a few photos and we have seen each other through the webcam: She is like the good wine: as time goes by, she is getting better and better, and the best of all is that chatting with her makes me really feel missed over there.

Well, not much more to say. I don't know, I don't feel like writing today and I still should be writing some more stuff I have been asked to. And still do chores, dammit...

Thanks to everyone who have remembered my Birthday. To those who not, I thank you too for I am sure even when you forgot, you are still wishing me a happy Birthday :)

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Balm for the Heart

"The key for friendship is in making the other person feel special." This fundamental statement, I heard from a friend years ago and since then I apply such wise precept to my relationship with the outside qorld. Yesterday I remembered it because it was another person making me feel very special.

Ana, a friend I hadn't talked to for years, gifted me with on of the better conversations I've ever had on Messenger.

After so long without knowing each other's whereabouts, we chatted for more than two hours, telling each other how were we doing and bringing back memories of those times we shared... and I felt loved. Not loved as if someone had fallen in love with me, or this appreciation I thank all of you out there so much for, it was just something different. Maybe it was me, my feelings being composed by more numbers than words lately, maybe it caught me in a specially receptive moment, but talking with her I really felt like she really was, welcoming me back into her life.

As the chat went on, I felt more and more comforted By the genuine and spontaneous kind of love Ana's words expressed. Love in its most pure shape: I felt great, and after talking to her I was so taken over that I was craving to write the story on the blogs, But the words wouldn't come out until I went back to work and had a few patrol walks and pondered how to put in words how did I feel chatting with my recently recovered friend. Even now I'm not sure I have done justice with this words to how good did I feel, but at least I have explained the experience, and most definitely, tha yesterday my morale, my ego were boosted up, and made me not a happy day, but a happy existence. And when you move from stump to stump like I have recently, these are the kind of things that make a difference. tha make the difference.

A big kiss for you, Ana, although there are no such big kiss to express the gratitude I feel for how you made me feel yesterday.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Moby-Slipping Away

Moby - Slipping Away

Slipping Away Lyrics

All that we needed, was right
The threshold is breaking, tonight

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away

All that we needed, tonight
Are people who love us, and life
I know how it feels to need
Oh when we leave here, you'll see

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say
Hold on to people they're slipping away
Hold on to this while it's slipping away

So long
So long

Open to everything happy and sad
Seeing the good when it's all going bad
Seeing the sun when I can't really see
Hoping the sun will at least look at me

Focus on everything better today
All that I needed I never could say

Hold on to people they're slipping away

Yes, I know...

...It's been a few days since I wrote last. I'm feeling lazy and I haven't found the moment to write until now....

I have finally started to work; In fact, I started three days ago and it's looking pretty good, at least concerning work. The job is in a Pioneer plant, as I said in the last entries, but it has nothing to do qith graveyards: It's that this shift is called "graveyard" because it's nighttime and it's supposed to be calm... as a graveyard. But that's just "supposed to", since Pioneer has a night shift for employees too.

I've started pretty good since lately Shield was sending only incompetents to the post and with me, as opposite, they look pretty satisfied since I'm getting all the stuff they're training me for and I've started to take initiative right away.

Regarding Darleen, for now we've decided to stay away from each other for a while so she can try to go to Eugene, Oregon, where her brother and the flowerpot he married are living now, so she can search for a job and a rental over there since housing and general life over there seems to be easier than in the ridiculously expensive California. Meanwhile, I will find a lair to stay and live on my own until we decide to get together again, until I get my money back or whatever happens.

Yesterday I got an email from Ana, of whom I hadn't heard in a while. Curious thing is, the day before I got a tape to listen to in the car ans at the end it was her talking in a program I taped over. Well, I'm glad to hear about her and to know I'm still in her mail list, and by the way I asked her about Nuria, of whom I havent heard in a while either.